Managing eczema in school
It has been a big deal having a child with eczema start school. For one it has made me accept that my child is unlikely to grow out of his eczema ...
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How I deal with mummy guilt
Mummy guilt doesn’t discriminate. Mummy guilt can strike if you are CEO with 500 employees or CEO of your own home. It can find you whether your h...
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Top tips for weaning your baby off the dummy
If you’ve decided it’s time for your child’s dummy to go, you might be wondering how on earth you start the weaning process. Some children give up...
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Update on treating peanut allergy and peanut anaphylaxis
Peanut allergy and life-threatening anaphylaxis is most common in infants and young children, but can also appear for the first time in adults. A ...
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My baby won’t sleep. Help! What are some tips or tricks to help my baby sleep?
Remember what it was like to sleep for eight hours straight and not think anything of it? It was so normal. Unless of course you had a big night a...
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Boosting your baby’s immune system
With winter coming and two toddlers attending germ heaven (aka daycare) I’m doing everything I can to boost my toddler’s immune system and ward of...
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