Starting School or Daycare With an Eczema-Prone Child
Starting School or Daycare With an Eczema-Prone Child
If your child is starting kindergarten or school for the first time, we know you might be wading through a sea of booklists, sourcing uniforms and brainstorming lunchbox ideas. And when your little one is eczema-prone, starting school (or daycare) can feel that little bit more overwhelming. They’ll be in a whole new environment with a whole new set of triggers, and you’ll be relying on another caregiver to help your child manage any flare-up symptoms. But with some extra preparation and communication, you can help the transition to starting school or daycare feel more exciting and less daunting!
We’ve shared some practical tips for parents and carers to help your child with eczema-prone skin have a smoother transition to school or daycare.
Tips for when your eczema child starts school or daycare
1. Keep open communication with your child’s educator
Be sure to speak to staff at your child’s school or daycare to let them know that your child has eczema and ask for their help with managing triggers or symptoms where appropriate. Some things to consider for discussion may include:
2. Prepare an ‘eczema pack’
Prepare an ‘eczema pack’ for your child and clearly label it. You can request that this pack be kept on hand in your child’s classroom or daycare centre, or you may need to keep it in their backpack. In your pack, you may like to include:
- Any moisturiser or other products/treatments that you’re using on your child’s eczema
- A soap-free hand wash for your child to use
- A cotton towel to sit on if carpet or grass irritates their skin
- A cotton covered cushion for rest time
- Your child’s personal sunscreen that doesn’t irritate their skin or cause an eczema flare-up
- A copy of your child’s eczema management plan with details of how their educator can help manage or prevent flare-ups at school or daycare
3. Help your child understand their eczema
Chances are, your child already has a lot of awareness about how to manage their eczema at home and with your help. As they get older and move into this next stage of independence, it’s a great time to empower them to understand their eczema, their triggers and how to feel confident to speak up and ask for help when they feel itchy or uncomfortable.
They may also receive questions from their peers or feel worried about receiving comments about their eczema. Have a gentle discussion about positive ways they can respond to questions and describe their eczema to others.
4. Continue to manage your child’s eczema as best you can at home
Managing your little one’s eczema as best you can at home will hopefully lead to fewer flare-ups when they’re away from you in an environment you can’t control. Talk to your doctor to regularly update your eczema management plan and communicate any changes with your child’s school or daycare.
It may be helpful to apply their moisturiser right before school drop off, and be sure to stick to your daily skincare routine. Popping them in the bath with some Itchy Baby Co. Oatmeal Bath Soak after school or daycare is a great way to wash away irritants and get moisture back into their skin after a busy day of learning and play.
This free eczema school kit is full of useful tips and resources to help with the transition – definitely check it out!
This blog post was brought to you with love from the Itchy Baby Co. team x.
Disclaimer: Information provided is of a general nature only, and you should always consult your medical professional.