Did you know that Itchy Baby Co. products are animal cruelty-free?

Did you know that Itchy Baby Co. products are animal cruelty-free?
At Itchy Baby Co., we believe that all skincare products should be animal cruelty-free, and we have always taken our commitment to the safety of our customers seriously. A critical part of this promise is our adherence to socially conscious practices that we believe would make each and every one of our customers proud. As a cruelty-free brand, IBC does not incorporate animal testing into our development phase or production level for any of our products. We do not conduct or commission animal testing of any ingredient or finished product directly or indirectly. We hold our suppliers to strict standards, requiring certification that each ingredient we use to manufacture our products is free of animal testing and animal-derived raw materials.
Cosmetic testing on animals is banned in Australia. The ban commenced on 1 July 2020 and meant new ingredients used exclusively in cosmetics manufactured in or imported into Australia cannot use information from animal testing to prove safety.
Australia’s ban on the use of animal test data for cosmetics:
- aligns with the European Union (EU) approach to ensure the ongoing protection of public health, worker safety and the environment and minimal impact to business
- encourages information from new methods not relying on the use of animals for chemicals with any industrial use (including cosmetics).
A variety of mechanisms were used to implement the above ban, including:
- Legislation that restricts the use of new animal test data to support the introduction into Australia of industrial chemicals used exclusively as cosmetic ingredients.
- The National Health and Medical Research Council updated the Animal Ethics Code to incorporate the ban into section 7.
- The Department worked with the cosmetics industry to develop a voluntary code of practice. The code guides promotional claims about animal testing that can or cannot be made on cosmetic products.
- A consumer awareness and information package, as well as a retail education and engagement package were delivered throughout the first half of 2021.
- A stakeholder advisory group considered aspects related to the ban’s first 12 months of operation. The Ban on Cosmetic Testing on Animals Implementation Advisory Group met four times and comprised representatives from the cosmetics industry, animal welfare organisations, researchers and government. The group provided expert guidance and feedback to the Department of Health about non-legislative components of the ban’s implementation.
We hope this gives you a little insight into the effort that IBC puts behind engagement with such an important topic. We hope that you can tell we are passionate about our principles and production methods. We believe this matches your requirement to purchase products safe in the knowledge that they are proved, tried and tested to the very highest standards and ethics, for you. Itchy Baby Co. will continue to honour and stand by that commitment.
Your Itchy Baby Co. team xx